viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


One of the big problems in the world today is the environmental problem. Humans are not been careful with the planet, and now they have realized of the consequences.

Some places teach people about friendly environmental practices; like clothing stores, where they give us our products in recyclable bags, or in the bus where there are publicity to take care of our planet. Also through TV there have been campaigns focusing in the environmental problem.

I have incorporated some of these practices. For example, I recycle, especially when I’m in my house and in the university. I separate the trash, the plastic, the cans, paper and organic products. When I was a scout I buried organic products in the ground, like fruit peel, or vegetables peel. Where I live there are recycling sites, so I go there to throw the trash to recycle. Other things that I do is not to throw the trash in the street or in the ground, to unplugged gadgets that I’m not using and keep the light off in the rooms that no one is using.

I would like to be part of an organization like Green Peace, who worries off the care of animals. Because sometimes when we damage the environment, we damage the animal’s home, hurting them or even making them a threat to ourselves.

Whenever I can I use the bike orwalk, but is difficult for me because I live very far away, so it takes me to long to go to the university, but when I go to places closer to mi house I always try to take my bike. Another way of to reduce my carbon footprint is the use of public transport, the use of low energy bulbs and cook with the cooking pots covered, for example.

I think people are still no conscious enough of the consequences of not taking care of are own planet. We need to take measures to avoid pollution it more. Especially in Santiago where I think a lot of people use the car. But also in Santiago missong more bike paths and more places to recycle.

domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

"Fruit and vegetable consumption by poorer families falls 30%, figures show" (The Guardian)

In brief a new of the newspaper "The Guardian" say:

As a consequence of the recession and higher food prices, the families of the UK with lower incomes have decreased their fruit and vegetables consumption in almost a third part. According to the Department of Enviroment Fod and Rural affairs, the poorer families bought near 2,7 portions a day in 2010, which means they purchase 30% less than they did in 2006. While, at the same time, the average families bought 4 portions per person.

It’s probable that this numbers have declined the last year, because the inflation it’s deeper, which causes the shrink of the real families incomes. Women seem to be more affected, because they deny themselves food to give more to their children.

This problem might have consequences in the nutrition habits and diets of de UK poorer families, because they are eating less than the five fruit and vegetables portions that the experts recommend. This issue will be debated in the UK Parlament this Monday, with this debate, they are trying to low the prices of the food, but the farmers accuse big supermarkets and stores of unfair practices, because they drive down their prices by paying them less that the cost of production.

The food inflation has been supported by the high energy prices, the change in the consumption patterns, the weather changes and the speculation in the commodity markets.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012


I listen to music always: in my house, in the bus when I go to university, when I clean my bedroom or my house, when I’m with my friends, in the parties… In general I listen to different music’s style; I like rock, metal rock, pop, cumbias, and others. I like that music because all my life I listen to it, and my parents and friends also, so I not had option. But the rhythm of this music is great, and the letters of the majority of those have content, but of course there are exceptions, especially in the pop music.  Sometime I listen to romantic music, but just on ones occasions.

When I’m with my friends of the life we always finish listen to Super Nova! That is horrible, but I can to avoid it. Maybe that’s because when we were teenagers we always listen to and sing the songs of this group.
But Super Nova isn’t my favorite group. Absolutely no. My favorites groups (because I have more of one favorite group) are Megadeth, La Renga, Guns n’ Roses and Los Bunkers, although I didn’t like two last records of Los Bunkers. Others group that I really like are Pink Floyd, Los Prisioneros, Bon Jovi, Queen, Motorhead, Chancho en Piedra, to mention someone.

I think that the music is essential in my life, because I always listen to music. The life without music is boooring. Besides, with the music I can to think in differences things, and I live good moments, and finally with some music I can to learn. 

For all that music is great!!           

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012


What happiness is? That is a very difficult question because it word have different meanings. People know what the happiness is when they feel it, so for that reason is easier explain what happiness is with examples.
According to Real Academia Española happiness is a state of mind that people feel when they get something.
What makes me happy? Well…different things. For example, I’m happy when I’m in my house with my family or my boyfriend and we see a movie or TV serial and I don’t feel any problems. I’m happy to when I’m with mi dog. I love my dog and I love all dogs in general. That really make me happy. Also, I’m feel happy when I’m with my friends. They are very nice!!!!
Anyway, there are many things that make me happy.
I think that is difficult to people to be happy. I think in people that have any problems, any difficult…people that for social condition couldn’t be happy. 
But in general I think that Chile is country happy, despite all inequality and all problems that have people. Actually, according to a oppinion toll make by University Diego Portales in 2007 Chileans are generally satisfied with most aspects of your life, and according to a Institute of Coca Cola's Happiness Chile ranks third in the barometer of happiness. Maybe it’s because Chile have different situations or moment to celebrate.
Is necessary other blog to talk about what make happy to people… happiness is a complex concept.
